1. Ability Scores

Character Ability Scores will be determined using a 25 point buy system. All attributes have a starting value of ten (10). You can increase these scores by spending points. You can also gain additional points by lowering the values of attributes. No score can be lowered below 8 or raised above 18. Racial modifiers are applied after all points have been spent.

Score // Points
8 // -1
9 // -0.5
10 // 0
11 // 1
12 // 2
13 // 3
14 // 5
15 // 7
16 // 10
17 // 13
18 // 17

Ability scores can not be lowered merely as a means to gaining another point or two for some other score. Any lowering must be accompanied by a 'justification' in the character's background. (e.g I have an 8 Dex becuase I have a club foot.)

Dump Scores
Some ability scores become dump scores. Meaning scores that won't matter for a class because even with negative modifiers, there is little downside in gameplay. Charisma and Intelligence are the greatest 'offenders'. Low scores in these abilities has little immediate impact on gameplay, especially combat. While other scores can become dump scores for some classes (why's a wizard need STR?), low scores in these abilities have more immediate downsides in game and will still need 'justification' but will not have additional effects. [Think about it this way, if you had to have either an 8 CON or 8 CHA, which would you choose and why?]

A character with a negative CHA modifier will find interactions with NPC's more difficult to manage. When a PC meets/interacts with an NPC, the DM assigns that NPC an attitiude in a range from hostile to helpful depending on circumstances. A character with a negative CHA score will find that the initial attitudes will be 'lower' on that scale. (e.g. A PC with an 8 CHA goes into a store. He would expect at least an indifferent attitude from the shop keeper. However, he will be treated as unfriendly. He will be watched suspiciously, treated poorly, and maybe even asked to leave.) This affect will apply to interactions between groups when the character is present and may even rub off on other party members merely through association with the low CHA fellow.

A low INT score will have perhaps more subtle but possibly greater reaching effects. Characters with a negative INT modifier will have a penalty to all skill rolls equal to their ability modifier. Characters with an INT of 7 or less must make a DC 10 Ability Check to change actions when a choice is involved. (e.g. An INT 6 figher is attacking a bugbear and the party wizard is ambushed by some goblins. The fighter must make a DC 10 INT check to leave the bugbear to help the wizard.)
