Session 23 - Where the Hell are They Going?

You grabbed your gear and horses and started off after the giants.  Halfway through the first day as you tracked them through a copse, a few of you noticed a pile of furs and hides that looked out of place.  Closer examination revealed it to be a dump of giant armor.  You figured they reduced their encumbrance in order to move faster.  The trail was still good so you continued.  At the end of the third day you came upon an old camp on top of a high hill a few miles south of the road between Radigast and Brotton.  Malloric noticed that a couple other small groups came together here and then headed off together NNW.  You were awoken early by a heavy rain.  You started off lest you loose the trail.  The rain was too much and the trail was washed away.  About the same time, you noticed dense smoke perhaps a mile or so away, but off the general trajectory the quarry had been following.  You approached.

When you came closer you found a single farmstead with the main house a smoldering ruin and a few other small outbuildings destroyed.  The rain had put out the fire but too late to save the building.  There was one corpse face down in the center of the yard.  One of the barn doors was open and the other torn from its hinges.  You cautiously approached when out came an ogre carrying a great club in one hand and a dead cow over a shoulder.  It dropped the cow, yelled something back into the barn and started advancing.  D'Argo and Wolfgar both said "There's more inside."

The battle was fast and furious.  The ogres gave you three surprises.  First, they were fast.  You were caught a bit off guard by how fast they were able to advance (and charge).  Second, was the viciousness of their club blows.  Bach was nearly knocked off his feet after just a few seconds of fighting.  The last was their tenacity.  Even after they were beaten, they refused to fall.  They would attempt to crawl away.  After three of them fell and one was on its knees, the last fled only to be dropped from a distance with arrows.

From this last ogre you learned that they were with the retreating giants, but headed off by themselves to raid the countryside.  The giants and other ogres were heading to some place called Jorgenfist.  The name didn't mean anything.  Other information gathered from the ogre included the fact that there are several clans gathered at Jorgenfist.  This ogre was from Clan Crannoch and Barl Breakbones was Clan Kavaratti.  During the questioning, Golian remembered that Jorgenfist is a giant fort built around some very old black stone tower located deep in the Bandit Kingdoms.  Where exactly he couldn't remember. You tightly bound the ogre and left it.

You headed overland to Didielin where you heard many more stories of giants and ogres raiding farms and moving roughly north. A few of you looked up family, friends, and/or contacts in town.  Some further information about Jorgenfist confirmed much of what you already knew.  It's location was more clear however.  It is several days roughly NNW of the human outpost named Wraithkeep.  (it was located off you map)  Two days to Hardwyn to cross into the Bandit Kingdoms.  There was little news of giants here, supporting your idea that they crossed the river further to the east.  Hardwyn was under lock-down to keep the refugees from the BK out.  You were allowed entry and offered luck as you indicated you were heading north.

The few days to Wraithkeep were uneventful.  This is a sparsly populated area and only a few home/farmsteads were seen near the road.  The closer you got to Wraithkeep the more often you were told of giant sightings.  Wraithkeep is a tiny settlement around a small, fortified keep.  You found and inn and stabled your horses.  You started asking around for information and directions.  You stated you were headed to Jorgenfist and were often treated to giggling or outright laughter.  Your innkeeper asked you to pay in advance.  You were able to learn more about Jorgenfist's geography and location.  Edwin queried Pelor in the morning about your ability to find the captives at Jorgenfist.  The Sun Father replied that it depended on when you got there.  You decided to head out without you horses.  After a few days hiking, you approached.  The entry to the high plateau was through a very long and narrowing ravine.  Soon some of you noticed a stair ahead with steep walls on either side.  On each side was a 'shelf' and you could see a stone giant standing guard on each side.  They had not appeared to notice you.

The group moved to one side of the ravine and some moved up hiding in the shadows and skulking from rock to rock.  You closed about half the distance when Bach was noticed.  One giant started hurling rocks.  You moved more quickly and an enlarge and spider climb was cat on Bach who started scaling the cliff toward one giant.  This giant, unable to target the group with rocks, started loosening and kicking them down the cliff face.  Bach had to scramble to avoid being rolled over.  Several large rocks hit him and he was the main target of the other giant.  That forced him to climb back down some distance to get aid from Edwin.  D'argo launched a few spells at the rock hurling giant.  Others ran up the stairs to get to them.  Malloric was the first up and started firing arrows.  Golain was next and stopped short.  He noticed two other giants hiding behind rocks and in crevasses.  He warned those behind him and whistled to Malloric who was now between giants.  The fight was brutal.  These giants were wielding great clubs with skill and power.  Your advantage was that their tactics were pretty one dimensional.  A grease spell kept one giant occupied, Bach killed one before it killed him, and as the remaining ones focused on the dwarves, a few smites from Henrik helped kill the last.

After healing up and gathering treasure, you moved to look over the plateau.  A mile or so in the distance you could see a circular wall with five smaller towers and one large, black one.  Arranged around the keep were at least three separate encampments.


Session 22 - What is it About this Town?

During your stay in Radigast City, D'Argo realized he needed a lot of spell ink for inscriptions.  He had some trouble locating enough of a supply and then got a lead on some from a shop in the slum quarter.  Not familiar with the City, he asked Golian to accompany him.  Henrik was on his way to the under construction Temple to St Cuthbert in the same quarter, so the three traveled together.  At the shop, Henrik told the shop keeper that you were looking to buy spell ink.  The keeper replied that he hadn't seen many arcane worshipers of 'The Cudgel.'  Henrik explained that it was actually for the dwarf.  "Even fewer arcane dwarves." the keeper replied.  During the back and forth between D'Argo and the keeper, Henrik thought the keeper nervous, as if he were under some duress.  The keeper had to go into the back room to get the ink as such a large quantity was needed.  He did not return.

Instead, a half orc wielding a very shiny and sharp battle axe came out and said "Wilhelm will not be back.  We'll take your gold instead."  Golian said "I don't think Henrik has much gold."  Henrik replied, "I think he means all OUR gold."  "Oh, well in that case..."

The three started to position yourselves to take down the half orc when then the front door opened and D'argo could hear people moving around but could not see anyone.  Then three casters appeared as did two spiritual weapons.  Golian started toward the half orc and was interrupted by two rogues that had been hiding behind the counter. Another cleric entered making maneuvering extremely difficult in the now very crowded shop.  Henrik, not in his normal armor took the worst of the exchange, finally being felled by the half orc.  A silence in the shop made it impossible for D'Argo to aid with his spells.  The half org was preparing to lop off Henrik's head when a few good strikes from Golian and a timely lay on hands changed the course of the fight.  A couple of the waylayers fled.  You were able to find the shop keeper and dragged him back out into the shop and began to interrogate him.  Turns out he was a victim as well.  Golian found his wife tied up in a trap upstairs and was able to disarm it.

Several more days went by as all the selling and buying as finished.  You decided to head back to Ardrinn to wrap up the loose end at Thisletop - the outer-planar creature you left in the basement.  Thistletop was still abandoned, but it did look like someone(thing) had been there at some point.  The beast in the basement was no real challenge for you. Bach skinned the beast.  You went back to Ardrinn and celebrated your final clearing of Thistletop.  You discussed with the Mayor about being able to supply Thistletop if you were to occupy it.  She indicated there might be a few details to work out, but that it sounded like a good idea.

Early the next morning as you were eating breakfast and some were treating hangovers, bells in town started ringing.  You knew from experience that that was not a good sign.  You gathered your arms and armor and raced to the north gate where you found three stone giants some 200' feet away lobbing rocks at the gate house.  Those with bows and spells climbed up to aid the town watch and others helped the turtles get their armor on.  It took some times, but you were able to kill two of the three before they completely destroyed the gate house.  The third fled.  Then more bells.  The turtles were still not fully armored.  Running to the mill pond, you found two more stone giants and three dire bears. 

The giants were punching holes in the buildings and grabbing their occupants which they then proceeded to stuff into large sacks.  D'Argo wished he hadn't unloaded so much spell power on the first giants.  Missile fire first until all were in range for melee.  Golian headed off another direction apparently to tackle a giant and bear by himself.  Malloric kept an eye on him.  You all noticed a large shadow cross the ground where you were fighting.  Looking up you saw a huge dragon circling.  It landed on the garrison.  Another giant moved into town south of where you were fighting.  More bells from other parts of town.

You took out a couple dire bears and forced the giants to flee.  They went through the pond and you though about following by using the nearby bridge, but decided to route any other giants from the town.  You headed back into town to see the dragon had torched the play house and was trying to ignite the cathedral.  Someone noticed that same giant that had headed into town was now heading back. You decided to try to cut it off.  The giant was well armored and wielded a normal sized mining pick in each hand with great skill and force.  When he spotted the dwarves it was clear he had a preference, but was cut off by Bach and Henrick.  It was a short, but vicious fight.  In the large sack at his side you found not a townsfolk, but a large cut stone that appeared to have been recetly unearthed from the sand.  The fall of this giant caused the rest of the giants and dragon to route.  After securing the town and putting out a few fires, you headed to the lighthouse from where the main giant had come.  You found several, hand dug holes in the ground and several discarded, cut building stones.  D'Argo grabbed his pick to see if he could determine why the giant chose the one he did.  It was quickly noticed that striking the giant's stone resulted in a 'pinging' rather than a more normal 'tink.'  Odd and D'Argo couldn't explain it.  You decided it would be best to armor up and head off after the giants to rescue their captives.

Session 21 - You can Come Quietly, or .....

On your way to Radigast City, you stopped in Ardrinn for the night and stayed a little longer than planned checking in with friends and others in town.  In the early evening a couple of days out, you came across a caravan that was picking up the pieces after being waylaid by bandits.  You stopped to help and found a guard who had taken charge.  He reported that late last night they were attacked by group of bandits and strange,fleshy creatures that were extremely resistant to damage.  They were quickly overwhelmed.  The bandits carried off some good, but more importantly had taken a few captives.  There were no real good descriptions of any individuals.  Malloric said it shouldn't be too much trouble tracking them on account of their number.  So off you went.

Several more miles than you anticipated, their trail led into a copse.  Malloric and Golian headed in and found a tent encampment.  They scouted and headed back.  You decided to give the two time to get back and in place at the rear of the encampment and the rest of the group would make their way through the wood to the front.  The plan worked.  The main group was able to get to within 200' before being noticed and the alarm raised.  The fight began.  Malloric and Golian, just outside the main tent heard a guard come in and give an update.  A female voice barked some orders at the guard.  Another deep, male voice said "Looks like my time here is done.  I might stay a bit to see how you handle this."  "so be it" was the female's response.  Golian made a slashing movement to Malloric who vigorously shook his head.  Golian misinterpreted and cut a slit in the tent from head height to the ground.  Inside was an attractive female with long black hair in blackened chain mail; a tall, thin, nondescript man in robes; a burly man in heavy black armor and shield with the symbol of Hextor on it; and a creature not of this world whose most notable feature was a full-faced, spiky beard.  The woman said "Rothsar,  deal with our guests."

The main group was making its way toward the heart of the encampment without too much effort when the bearded devil summoned a horde of fleshy creatures.  While they couldn't do much due to protections from evil, they did effectively cut off the groups progress.  Golain and Malloric were taking shot from the other end of the camp when thew were 'dealt with' with a glitterdust spell from an invisible mage.  This took Golian out of the fight.  Malloric proceeded to pincushion the mage.  Bach was enlarged and charged the toward the mage and proceeded to slice and dice.  The devil was next.  The female was casting a few divine spells and did not enter melee yet.  The large man in black simply stood and watched and after a few seconds summoned a large warhorse from nowhere.

Henrik was pounding away at the bandits while most of the rest of the main group maneuvered around the summoned creatures.  Bach and Malloric were easily in control of the other side of the fight.  Until the man in black looked at the woman and said "Looks like you need some help.  I am not impressed."  He met Bach's sword blows and took a beating, but held his ground for several rounds.  He eventually retreated to his horse and as he mounted, he looked to the female and said "Perhaps you weren't the best choice." and fled.  The group took a couple of parting shots and debated chasing, but then though of your captive and hostages which had yet to be located.

You were able to locate the hostages in the other tents and a lot of stolen goods.  Your one captive was Horath Shangel, a priestess of Vathris.  Malloric knew she was wanted by several Baronies as were any other of her band, 'The Glaive.'  You rounded them up and forced some of the prisoners to carry what stolen goods and freed hostages they could back to the caravan.  You proceeded on to Radigast City with a stop in Brotton to drop off your prisoners and inquire about a reward.  The sheriff sighed your warrants and instructed you to secure your reward from High Mardreth.

You made it to Radigast City and set about finding an inn and started the processes of identifying items, selling them, and shopping for others.

Session 20 - There's Only One of 'em

Nothing ventured, nothing gained was the decision.  So you headed further into the caves.  The first room, on your left again, appeared a little used shrine.  It looked empty and had no other exits so you left it.  The next and last room was very long and open to the sky in places.  A central path was lower than the rest of the room and two rows of columns on either side of the path held up the ceiling. You cautiously moved some 100' into the room before you could see the far wall and the room's inhabitant.  A large stone giant sat on an even larger stone throne and watched you approach.  You stopped and tool a look around to see if he was alone.  No one saw any movement in the shadows. 

“So, it is you who have entered my realm and disrupted operations.”

Wolfgar, feeling buoyed by the chance to confront a powerful giant spoke up. “Yeah, what’s it to ya?”  Not the most formidable, but it was his first time. 

“Not to worry, you are really too late to do any damage.  Why don’t you just be off now.”

Feeling a little stronger, Wolfgar replied, “I don’t think so.  Give us one good reason not to have us add you to our defeated?”

The giant, leaned forward, “How about your lives!”

Someone in the group quietly muttered, “That’s a good reason.”

Meanwhile, party members were positioning themselves to either have a line of sight or to be out of line of sight.  D’Argo had muscled his way up to Henrik, Bach and Wolfgar.  “I have a plan – say when.” 

“Seems we’re at an impasse.” Henrik replied. “When, I guess.”

D’Argo muttered something and the four found themselves instantly transported to the far end of the room into a small alcove, not far from Barl himself.  Golian and Pirozzi went opposite directions and climbed the small ledge to be able to approach from the sides. Malloric moved closer taking shaots along the way. Edwin looked for some good middle ground where he could keep an eye on everyone.

Unfortunately, neither Golian nor Pirozzi noticed the other stone giants hiding in the shadows behind them.  At least not until the first of the rocks hit.  Edwin had the first injured to cure already as Golian was trying to get out of one giant’s way and Pirozzi was frantically running from the other.

Barl responded to the ‘intrusion’, by singling Wolfgar out and creating an large hand of force directly in front of him that prevented him from moving any closer to the giant no matter how he zigged or zagged.  Wolfgar spent the rest of the fight frustratingly pounding on the hand.  Barl cast another spell with no effect. Bach moved up into melee range. Barl’s next move was a now too familiar green ray that struck Bach square in the chest.  He was enfeebled, seriously diminishing his damage output.

Henrik moved up and was missed ad the giant tried to touch him to deliver a spell.  D’Argo alternated between casting spells at the giant and helping Wolfgar destroy the hand.  Malloric slowly moved to within 30’ so his arrows would have the most effect.

The rear of the group avoided the two giants, or rather they ignored the rear of the party and moved to Barl’s aid. They did not have weapons, but their smashing fists still packed a wallop.  The party was taking a beating but slowly wearing down the two unarmed giants.  Barl had yet to take up his weapon.  Golian moved in to try to flank.  Pirozzi, now out of harms way was unloading what spells he had left.  Wolfgar was still pounding on the hand.  Barl smiled the whole time.

One giant fell, then Bach, then another giant.  Edwin waited for an opportune moment to approach Bach, but was blinded by one of Baqrl’s spells.  With the other giants out of the way, Barl unleashed a fear spell, which caused Malloric to turn and run.  With little remaining arcane support, Henrik and Golian swung away.  Barl had hoisted his heavy war maul and was laying down the smack, landing one lucky blow, killing Henrik on the spot.

Pirozzi was able to get Bach back on his feet and with the last remaining spells the group had, Barl Breakbones fell.

Malloric ran out of the caves past Yap who asked if everything was alright.  “They’re all dead.” Malloric panted as he kept running.  Yap gasped,”You killed everyone?”  Malloric was able to straighten things out when he returned.

After nearly a half an hour recovering, you found a large stone chest and looted it’s contents.  With work here done, you asked Yap to lead you back to his Mistress’ glade.  At the glade, you covered your eyes as Myrianna approached.  You offered her the ashes, hoping that would qualify as ‘something of Lamatar.’  She seemed satisfied and took them from you. Back at her tree, she cast a spell and new life from the wood flowed into the ash pile.  It blew into a small whirlwind and finally coalesced into a male half-orc.  With Lamatar back among the living, Myrianna’s guilt was resolved and she faded away.  It took a little while for Lamatar to gather his wits.  With your help you filled him in as best you could, clothed him and took the now familiar trip back to Rothberry.

You decided to quickly tie up any loose ends in town before something else kept you here any longer and headed back to High Madreth where you reported to the Lord Mayor and others. Everyone had a few personal errands to run and agreed to get back together after a couple days to travel together to Radigast City to spend some of your coin.

Session 19 - Into the Beast

After a relatively uneventful trip back to Rothberry, some started to wonder if you being followed by the vampire you had been told about – packs of wolves, and swarms of bats and now rats. Hmmmm.

The mission seemed to be complete.  The powers at Rothberry started organizing work crews to repair the dam, other leaders debated about what to do about /powering/ the dam, and still others discussed what to do about the Black Magga in Claybottom Lake. None of this interested many of you or seemed to involve you directly in anyway.  Periodically you would be asked a question or two about Fort Ranik or the dam which you happily answered between swigs of ale.  It wasn’t until someone brought up the idea of heading back to High Madreth to complete your report to the Lord Mayor that Barl Breakbones came back into the conversation.  It wasn’t long before you found yourselves preparing for yet another trip into the forest.

Your travels back and forth to the fort seemed to have cleared off much of what could cause you any problem.  You camped on top of the fort again to get ready for the trek to Hook Mountain.  During the night, those on watch heard a small voice ask “Men?”  “Men? Can you help me?”  Everyone was woken and the creature was demanded to show itself.  A male pixie, named Yap, appeared.  You parleyed and found that he needed some assistance moving some things inside in order to recover something for his mistress, who was apparently ill.  He led you to the room where the ogress sorcerer was slain.  He tried to wrench a drawer open from the battered wardrobe.  Malloric stepped up and yanked it open. It had already been ransacked and Yap threw whatever was left on top the floor and tried to pry open the bottom.  Back stepped up and punched a hole through the bottom revealing a secret compartment. Yap dove in and started throwing out papers, a small jewelry box and a pair of leather boots.  He started to cry.  It turns out he was sent to recover something of Lamatar, Fort Ranik’s Captain.  You all pointed out that all those items were his.  You soon determined that Yap was instructed to recover not something that belonged to Lamatar, but a piece of his person – a hair, fingernail, etc.  Yap was distraught.  You offered to travel to see his mistress to see if there was anything you could do to help.  He led you on a day and a half journey deep into the Aelinvuud.  You spent the night in a fairie glade and were led past two-masted ship beached in a clearing.  When reaching his mistress’s glade, you were all stopped by a voice coming from a tree near the center.  It was melodious and a bit haunting at the same time.  “Yap, Why have you brought these people into my realm?”  “Mistress, they can help,” he replied.  A few of you toward the front started to approach the tree and some in the back noticed Yap shirk and cover his eyes.  It was too late.  A horrifically beautiful creature with disembodied arms moved out from behind the tree, literally blinding Malloric when he gazed upon it.  After beseeching her that you were there to offer help, she moved away and you were able to converse.

This was Myriana, Lamatar’s lover. She had heard about the attack on Fort Ranik and had gone to help.  Unfortunately, the ogre overpowered her and tore her limb from limb.  She was now determined to make amends by recovering Lamatar, alive or dead.  You learned that he had been taken to Hook Mountain and were asked to recover him or at the very least a piece of him.  She ordered Yap to lead you through the forest.  He did so with one hunting side trip where he brought you to the den of a dire boar.  With the group’s arrows and Yap’s entangle, the boar was dead quickly.  You spent a day barbequing it and still had more meat than you could possibly use.

The trip to Hook Mountain was uneventful between the group’s size and Yap’s knowledge of the forest.  You climbed the trail to the top and snuck the last portion to a large cave entrance.  When you had no more cover, you closed the distance as fast as possible, encountering three large ogres.  Two were quickly dealt with and one fled into the cave.  Bach noticed that these ogres were wielding shiny, new, large greatswords.  Odd for ogres.  You went after the ogre through what probably was the rib bones of what might have been a large dragon.  Just before the entry closed into a passage, you stared at a 30’ tall statue of a stone giant in full battle armor.  Someone noticed that the armor was not actually part of the staute and looked like it could be removed.  You also noticed the statue was wearing a very large sihedron medallion.  You filed that info away for later.

You reached a major intersection of corridors – all large enough for a giant to easily pass through.  Waiting for you were four more ogres with shiny new swords.  D’Argo created a wall of broiling acid that split the ogres into two groups.  In a few rounds, the few in front of you had fallen.  D’Argo dismissed the wall and you dealt with the remainder.

Someone said ‘left,’ so that’s the way you went.  After descending quite a number of rough steps, you heard the loud sound of steam and felt in change in the ambient temperature.  Very soon after the sound, clouds of steam started pouring into the hallway where you were standing.  It carried a heavy, metallic, sulphurous smell.  Malloric asked for a light and Edwin cast a continual light on one of his arrows.  To get a better view, Malloric launched the arrow into the darkness revealing approximately a dozen ogres, most of which held very large, heavy mining picks.  The fight began.

The ogres cautiously approached along the walls to avoid being out in the open and were able to clse without taking too much damage from arrows or spells.  When they did reach melee range, they were cut down quicker than they could damage the party.  One or two larger, better armed orgres held back and picked their openings.  These two swung their great swords with some skill and even more force.  They connected a few times. Each time sending the recipient reeling.  After the fight the clerics healed everyone up and you looked around.  It seemed as though the ogres had doused several smelters and forges.  They were still hot but not shedding as much light as they once surely did only a few minutes ago.  There were piles of ore, and weapons in various states of completion.  In another corner were several piles of tanned leather strips that were being used for weapons hilts.  The weapons were only of fair quality.  But still must have required quite skilled ogres.

Heading back to the intersection, you took yet another left.  The passage turned sharply to the left.  Those in front were accosted by heat emanating from a room where the walls had absorbed so much they glowed red.  In the center of the room were three sweaty ogresses stirring a large cauldron.  Doubting your own eyes, those in front tried to shake the image out of their minds, with only some succeeding.  Those who were able to see though the illusion saw the room was as normal as could be and the ogresses were worse.  They were hags. Malloring unleashed a few arrows, driving them deep.  They responded by surrounding him in a cage whose bars were of pure force.  Henrick charged in only to be surprised by a wight that had been hiding around a corner.  He ignored the pain and level loss of the wight’s blow and kept onto the hags.  Edwin made his way into the room in a few rounds and utterly destroyed the undead creature.  Others surrounded the hags and began pounding.  They were very strong, occasionally grabbing foes and trying to rend them limb from limb. Once one was downed, the other two became much easier to deal with.  It seemed as though they needed three to produce their most powerful magics.  The fight was over, and most were drained physicall, magically and in Henrick’s case even in levels.  Malloric was still stuck in the cage.

After remembering someone was holding onto a potion of gaseous form, you were able to get Malloric out of the forcecage.  You scraped up the dust that was once Lamatar and poured him into a small sack. The next few minutes were spent discussing the merits of continuing on in light of health and spell resources. 

Session 18 - Dam that's big.

After equipping for the hike back into the Aelinvudd you asked if you could lead a group of workmen to the dam to start repairs.  It was decided that leading a group of men carrying materials would only slow you down and without knowledge of what actually happened there was no way to tell what type of skills might be needed.  So you headed off.  Your first stop was at Turtleback Ferry to assess damages and lend aide.  The damage was nearly complete.  There were a few survivors picking over the debris left behind.  The water must have violently hit the town.  The gambling barge was no where to be seen.  You continued into the forest.  On the night before reaching Fort Ranik you were beset by some swarms of rats.  A few people were bitten and some of Golian's wounds looked particularly bad.  Edwin treated easily treated them.  The next night was spent at the Fort - actually on top of the fort.  Another two days of hiking took you away form the river due to the steep gorge and back again where you saw the dam for the first time.  There was a large chunk missing on east side.  Wolfgar pointed out some movement on top of the dam on the western half.  You climbed a natural stone stair that led to a cave.  While the group was climbing up a 15' tall ledge, Golian scouted ahead in the shadows.

He was surprised by an ettin who must have heard him coming.  Golian was painfully and forcibly pushed back toward the rest of the group.  D'Argo cast a spider climb on Edwin so he could scale the walls and help.  Malloric started with bow fire while Bach let go of the rope and unsheathed his falchion on his way to meet the beast.  It took less than a minute to slay the ettin, but a few of the group had some nasty contusions from the ettins two morningstars.  You cured up as the rest explored the caves.  You gathered some loot and continued.

After another 15' ledge, you exited the cave on top of the dam.  You could see a half dozen or so orges several hundred yards in the distance.  After some tactical discussion, D'Argo fired off an acid ball that caught their attention.  You lined up and waited for them.  As they charged, arrows dropped a few and softened up the rest.  Malloric noticed one was much tougher than the rest.  By the time the ogres reached the group, there was only two or three left.  The last one standing was surrounded and Wolfgar ordered it to surrender, which to some surprise it did.

From it you learned that the ogres were sent to the dam by Barl Breakbones, a stone giant, with orders to weaken it.  There were more ogres, but two things had reduced their numbers.  First was the fights with a group of trolls that laired in the dam housing.  The other was the Black Magga that appeared when the dam started to crack.  The Magga was washed over and the ogres went back to work on weakening the dam.  You debated the fate of the orge and decided to bind him and continue into the building in the center of the dam.

The doors to this building had been battered and reinforced from the inside.  You pushed your way in and encountered a number of trolls.  Another acid ball followed by swords and arrows and three were quickly dropped.  Two others fled deeper into the building.  Bach staved some head with a burning torch and you started the chase.  After descending perhaps as much as 100' you found a stone door with the following words clawed into it "Below dwells Grazuul. All hail Grazuul."  You ignored the warning.  Upon entering you found the two trolls on either side of the door and a larger troll standing in a large pool in front of you.  This troll was wielding a military fork.  The trolls on the flanks didn't prove to much of a problem as they hadn't been able to regenerate the acid damage from above.  Some engaged these trolls while Wolfgar and Henrik went after the large troll.  It had tremendous reach and was poking at people as they approached.  Some of you noticed that each time it hit, it grimaced slightly and a small wound opened somewhere on the creature.  The blows it landed were particularly nasty.  The creature wielded the weapon with skill and massive strength.  Each hit also opened additional wounds on its victim.  The troll had the better end of that deal because it regenerated much of the damage it received.  The group had it within a few blows of defeat when it lept up and dropped through a tunnel in the pool you had not seen.  Some suggested going after it as you had water breathing.  Others suggested fighting the beast in its element might not be the best idea.  You decided to search the floor on foot and hope you would run into it.  You didn't.

In one room, you found a scale model of the dam. The jaws of the skulls on the face of the dam could be lowered revealing tubes.  Golian mentioned that he had heard of an ancient dam, maybe this one, that had flood control gates operated with magic.  This seemed a likely explanation for what was happening here - or not as the case may be.  You cautiously entered the last room after removing a pile of skulls in front of the door.  The room beyond contained a small room on either side separated by a portcullis. In one 'cell' was a pile of reddish-black ash.  In the other was a rater large but very emaciated creature with dark red, leathery skin and wings.  It smelled slightly of brimstone.  Looking closer, you also noticed that on the floor of each of these rooms was some sort of arcane figure drawn with ash and metal flakes.  You looked to see of the creature was alive and when you were close enough you could see it breathe and you 'heard' it say "Release me."  The general response was 'I don't think so.'

After some conversation amongst yourself and with the creature, the theory that developed was that the dam flood gates were somehow operated by feeding off the magic in the creatures contained in the cells and that with one dead, the gates couldn't function properly.  The creature was suggesting that one of the group would need to sacrifice itself in the other cell in order for the gates to work.  Pirozzi figured that if a person would 'work' why not a badger.  So he summoned one inside the empty arcane circle.  Almost immediately you could hear the grinding of stone on stone and a deep rumbling inside the dam.  The badger immediately turned to dust as did the winged creature in the other cell.  You went back to the scale model and saw that the mouths had opened and water was flowing out.  Heading back up to the top of the dam you saw great spouts of water being released through the skulls on the face of the dam.  Deciding your work here was done, you started the trip back to Rothberry.  The orge you tied up was nowhere to be seen.

Session 17 - That can't be.

You spent some time looting the nearly score of dead ogres and all the while discussed what could have happened to Kaven. Two main theories developed. He either took the opportunity that the chaos of battle created and fled, or he was captured by some yet unknown foe. The first theory was tested by searching the area around the interior keep thoroughly. No sign was found. Vale said the only other place he could be would be the basement where the Black Arrows held captives in cells untill they could be returned for justice. The party formed up and headed down the stone stairs to the door to the jail room. You politely knocked first.

Upon entering the room, you found Kaven standing ready for a fight. Next to him was a thin yet attractive female elf. Some of you quickly recognized her from the top of the clock tower in High Madreth. There were a few groans as you realized that while you were healthy, you were mostly out of spells. Henrik asked Kaven if he was here of his own free will. His response was affirmative, but it didn't seem to ring completely true. The group started to cautiously approach the two enemies. Their positioning prevented an outright charge. As soon as three or four of you had moved into the room and others were filling in, she changed into her more memorable form and cast a spell, creating a wall of stone dividing the group in two. Those on the 'outside' started pounding, chipping, and casting at the wall hoping to break through quickly. Those 'inside' continued the fight.

You threw everything you had at her and Kaven. They returned the favor. Kaven proved not too much of a challenge as he was only moderately well equipped. She on the other hand proved to be much more of a challenge. She tried dominating several of you, fired scorching rays, and dished out some serious damage with her long spear, which drained Wisdom each time it hit. You all smited, raged, and used several wands you'd been hanging onto. She started to gain the upper hand while those cut off were still shipping away at the stone. A dispel magic landed on her, which forced here to cast an invisibility in order to re-buff. You took the time to heal as best you could. The others broke through the wall at about the same time.

She became visible, this time wreathed in flames. She was positioned in the middle of the room. With her long spear, she kept you movement to a minimum as she was able to make several attacks of opportunity each round. However, the added foes proved too much for her. Before she was cut down, she said something to the effect of, "You are too late to stop it. Mokmurion will have his sacrifice." You all shrugged your shoulders, got everyone to their feet and took great pleasure in looting her corpse. Her long spear has several runes along the shaft very similar to the bastard sword recovered from Nuallia under Thistletop.

The trip back to Rothberry was wet - still - and uneventfull. Once in town you set about getting ready to do identifies the next day, supplying the the long trip to High Madreth to report to the Mayor, and asking a few questions about someone or something called 'Mokmurion.' Wolfgar was able to find out that that is likely a name associated with giants, but that is in a very old form not used by giants for generations, back when they were more powerful. You had a good meal and nights rest. The next morning you cast some identifies and headed for the stables when you heard screams from outside. Running to take a look, you saw water everywhere. It was rapidly rising. Building debris, a body or two, and a large branch floated by. The branch writhed and you realized it was a huge snake. It was headed straight for a family of dwarves trying to flee their home. Someone asked, "Crap, we're never going to get home are we?" You threw your stuff back into the inn and headed for the snake. It was a pushover. You spent a little time helping other folks to safety when more screams came from the lake side of town. You jumped on your horses as the water was still rising and headed to the commotion. What you found defied imagination. Some of you recognized the beast from fairy tales - the Black Magga. But that was impossible as that beast was supposed to be stuck in the Storval Deep, far in the Aelinvuud Forest. Yet here it was.

The group spread out and started the approach. As you got closer, it breathed out a noxious cloud of gas. Instead of horses and people dropping dead, many became confused and started wondering off or attacking each other. Bach and Henrik were able to get to the beast and started the attack. Golian made it a few seconds later. Others were fleeing, fighting their own horses or standing and muttering away. The beast alternated between grabbing people and squeezing or trying to eat them or simply biting. No one was seriously hurt and you managed to do cause the beast to flee into the depths of Claybottom Lake.

After the fight and when everyone was accounted for, you noticed that the water was receding. You also noticed many more human corpses than you would have expected from within Rothberry. A little investigation revealed that nearly each and every piece of human flotsam had a sihedron tattoo.

You debated about what to do next and nearly settled on getting your stuff and heading home as the job at hand seemed complete when Wolfgar pointed out that the water could only have come from upstream, beyond the dam that holds the Storval Deep back. If the dam is damaged, the town could still be in danger. He asked the group to delay your return until you could at least inspect the dam. You all agreed with varying levels of enthusiasm.

Session 16 - Hey, Were'd he go?

Having returned from Rothberry all restored, you entered the keep through the main door under cover of illusion.  Inside was a disaster – bits of broken stuff, blood, and filth everywhere.  You split up so you could watch from all three main halls while you tried the first door.  Out came an ogre with a large great club who dropped Wolfgar like a hot potato.  You frantically tried to reorganize personnel in the next rounds to handle this obviously dangerous ogre.  The noise brought the attention of another ogre from down one long hallway.  Bach met this one head on and started trading blows.  Kaven moved down the hall to help.  However the distance and the fact that Bach was enlarged made getting into a flanking position a bit challenging.  Eventually Kaven succeeded. From the third hall, two more ogres appeared in the third hall.  D’Argo exploded an acid ball on them and Vale finished one off right away.  The last one tried to make for the door but was quickly cut down.  It took some doing, but the first two were eventually killed.  Edwin Got Wolfgar back to his feet and started the healing process. You finished exploring the first floor.  The most notable room was the armory where Malloric was pleased to find more arrows than even he could use.

The sneakier of the group headed upstairs first to get into positions to watch the halls.  The rest followed and tried to open the first set of doors you came to and failed.  A small stone affixed high on the doors started screaming in alarm.  And a loud voice from inside bellowed in Giantish, “I told you to leave me alone.  I’ll kill the first one of you I find!”  Pirozzi ran up and used a wand to knock the doors open.  D’Argo opened the fight with another acid ball catching an ogre with a large falchion and a human in a chain shirt and shield.  Bach, Golian and Kaven headed in. Malloric started with arrow fire to cover.  The first in the room was attacked by an undead creature with a corrupting touch.

The others guarding the hallway were ready when a door at the end opened, but weren’t expecting the lightning bolt that lashed out.  Inside were an ogress and her body guard. Yet another was opened and three more ogres entered the fray. Wolfgar and Henrik went after the tree and Vale took off after the caster. Pirozzi, D’Argo and Malloric took spell and arrow fire where they could in the cramped hallway. 

Golian and Kaven had surrounded the cleric but were having troubles landing blows.  The cleric drew the life force from all those living in the room, including the ogre leader, and got much better in the process. With spell support and massive damage dished out by Bach, the ogre leader soon fell, but not before heavily wounding Bach.  The cleric soon cursed Kaven and then cast an obscuring mist protecting himself further from sneak attacks. After some curing, Bach reentered the fight and helped drop the cleric.

The group managed to draw the caster’s bodyguard into the hall and were trading blows while the ogress cast a few relatively non-effective spells.  The door to her room was closed to shut her off from the fight.  The group concentrated on the remaining ogres.  Edwin was needed at both ends of the fight for cures by now.  Vale went down fighting the bodyguard. 

Reorganizing, the group opened the door to the ogress’ room to find it empty.  Bach said he could smell her and narrowed down the area where she could be.  She responded with a barrage of spells like shout, rays, and a couple confusions.  Those unaffected by the confusions converged on her only to find that she had re-buffed.  Golian and Kaven spent time in the hall trying to keep those confused from fleeing.  The ogress soon went down and the group had to fight themselves until the confusion wore off. This included Golain trying to sap a few party members with Kaven’s assistance.

The rest of the second floor was checked and body’s looted.  You then turned your attention to all the other ogres in the courtyard.  The plan developed involved drawing them to the main doors by with arrow fire from the roof and having the melee oriented folks and healers waiting downstairs.  Kaven ferried arrows, equipment and communications between the two groups.  The plan worked beautifully. The orges tried to storm the keep and the two groups were able to keep them out.  A significant amount of damage was absorbed by those holding the main doors and at the end, both arcane and divine casters were depleted.  Two regular ogres fled after the last of their leaders was felled.  You took a few parting shots, but the still made it to the gate.  At some point during the fight, Kaven disappeared.

Session 15 - Really, They're more dangerous in groups

Having decided to take advantage of the lack of pressing opponents and a impassioned plea by Wolfgar you decided to return to Rothberry to recoup, re-equip and pursue a raise dead for your fallen comrade.  Kaven asked if the group would be willing to stop in Turtleback Ferry so he could pick up some equipment he has stashed there.  You briefly explained your reluctance to stop there without spilling to many details.  Malloric offered to re-equip Kaven in Rothberry instead.  The trip was uneventful as the party now numbered 12 and a bear.

Once in Rothberry, Wolfgar set about finding and talking to the right people (er... dwarves) to secure a raise dead.  The party sold some loot, cast some identifies, and re-equiped.  Jakardros informed you that he was 'done with fighting.'  He was planning on staying in Rothberry with Shalelu for a few days to regain his strength and then head to Pikemaster to report.  Both Vasle and Kaven agreed to help retake the fort if you'd have them.  Henrik bought his brother some equipment as you started the preparations.  The last of the Black Arrows provided you with some sketches of the fort and helped prepare a strategy.  The best one that came up was to gain access to some tunnels near the fort, secure them and use them as a base for attacks.  It was unknown if the ogres had discovered them.  Given their intelligence and size, the assumption is that they hadn't.  Even the Black Arrows didn't use the tunnels.  The party was told that the only thing to expect in the tunnels were some small lizards called shocker lizards.  The Arrows didn't know how many were in the tunnels as they never bothered anyone in the fort and acted to keep vermin and other possible intruders away.  Jakardros explained that fighting one lizard is easy, but they become dangerous when in pairs and even worse when in groups. The group decided to enter the caves through the waterfall entrance and clear out the lizards as the first task.

While Wolfgar was busy working on D'Argo's raise dead, the main group was gathered for dinner when a tall, very handsome man in shiny armor entered and headed in your direction.  The serving girls were faqlling over themselves to wait on him.  you all noticed his rainments and the lightning motiff.  Edwinn and Henrik looked at each other and simultaneously said, "Heironeous."  He approached your table and looking primarily at Mallor, Edwin and Henrik said, "Brothers! I heard there were some true believers in town.  I have some news to impart." Looking at and empty seat continued, "May I?"

You welcomed him and he introduced himself as Nalstin Rhychar, Servant of the Shining One.  Several of you noticed his holy stymbol.  It contained aspects of both Heironeous and Pelor.  His news was that agents of the Herald of Hell (Hextor) have been more active in the Eastmarch and even removed from some of the major towns and villages, Rothberry included.  He did not know why they were here and asked if you had any sightings or information.  You told him about the fort and that you had not run into any of the Heralds but you would keep an eye out for them.  Malloric asked why he was in Rothberry.  He mentioned he was hunting a couple of fugitives from Furyondy. They are wanted for the murders of some Heironean priests in Chendl.  Malloric asked for copies of the warrants.  Nalstin said he would have them ready in the morning.

The next day, Wolfgar finds the group and reports that he has been able to make arrangements for a raise dead to be cast.  He appears to have lost his magic, heavy mace and now carries a warhammer.  You brush it off as some dwarvis thing.  You completed selling some items to pay for the raise.  With Wolfgar's significant contribution, D'Argo is raised.  You let him recover for the day and make plans to head back to the fort on the morrow.

Getting back to the fort is a pretty easy, albeit two day ride.  Once you arrived last at night and snuck into the caves through the waterfall with Vale and Kaven's guidance.  Exploring the wet caves, you encountered the first shocker lizards.  They were small - the size of a small dog - and you thought how tough could they be.  Bach stepped up to slice one in two. Others moved forward.  Instead of charging to attack, the liazrds grouped up and stared to shiver.  Moments later an explosion of electricity emanated from the closest one, sending a very powerful shock wave into the group.  Vale was heard in the back, "See, we told you."  Edwin set to healing as the group reorganized and the five or so lizards were quickly killed.

Continuing further into the tunnels, you found a rickety bridge spanning a 25' wide and quite deep chasm.  Reminded of the Thistletop bridge, Golian was sent across first.  He figured the bridge was safe as long as there was not too much weight at any one time.  You ferried across one at a time.  A few of you noticed something glinting at the bottom and decided to come back for it.

The next room looked like an old crypt with about two dozen niches carved out of the rock walls. All but one had skeletal remains dressed in ceremonial arms and armor.  One niche was empty and on the ground was a crumpled pile of bones.  As the group reached the threshold of the room, the pile moved. Or rather, an incorporeal form rose from the pile and moved to attack.  It struck Henrik with a chilling touch, draining levels.  Bach and Golian moved in to surround it, open more room for others and continued the attack. Henrik's and Edwin recognized the creature as a spectre and informed the rest of the group that magic weapons or spells will be required.   The creature struck Bach, damaging him and draining levels.  Edwin attempted to call on the shining power of Pelor to no avail.  The creature did notice the attempt to turn is and lunged at Edwin but was seemingly held back where the hallway met the room.  Henrik called for a retreat.  Golian attempted to tumble past the creature but was stopped and attacked.  He too was drained of levels.  After another turn attempt or two, many spells from Pirozzi and D'Argo and some magic arrows from Malloric, the creature was defeated, or at least dissipated for some time.  The group looked at Vale and Kaven who just shrugged their shoulders.  "We don't use these tunnels.  We don't know for sure what's all here."

With most of the tunnels explored, the group decided to move on.  You checked on the two entranced from the fort courtyard into the tunnels and they appeared secure or at least unused by ogres.  You continued down the last unexplored hallway and entered the main lizard warrens.  Attracted by the noise and light they came in waves. Bach and Wolfgar stepped into a side room to quickly deal with the two lizards there. Malloric assisted with his bow.  The others moved forward.  The front of the group was soon facing about a half dozen of these little lizards when they started to shiver.  Knowing what to expect, you braced yourselves.  The power of the explosion took you by surprise.  Several of you had to retreat.  Vale stepped up with Henrik to cover your withdrawal.  Bach had killed the last of the two lizards in the side room.  D'Argo stopped the lizards from advancing with a web spell.

You regrouped in the hallway, cast a number of cures and used other healing abilities and discussed what to do next.  D'Argo said the web would remain for quite some time and the lizards appeared to be completely trapped by it.  You decided to use burning spheres to cut a path to each lizard and fire arrows and fight them one at a time.  This proved very successful.  Only once did Malloric get too close and was caught in a relatively weak electrical explosion.  Once a path was burnt all the way trough the webs, you advanced trying to take a few out at at time.  Kaven took this opportunity to move up and get help out.  He fought like Golian, flanking preferred.  The group moved further in, taking on a few lizards at a time.  There were a few more explosions, but those close to the lizards were either unhurt at this time after the heals or were able to successfully dodge the damage.  You soon defeated the dozen or so lizards in the warrens. Pirozzi found some baby lizards and stuffed one into his pack.

You returned to the bridge and lowered someone into he chasm where you found a dead halfling, a couple of large rubies and a silvered shortsword. You decided to rest out the draining effects of the spectre before deciding what to do next.  Bach and Golian were only able to partially recover.  You decided it best to head back to Rothberry for magical aid before storming the main fort.  You were able to have a few restorations cast and prepared for the trip back.  Returning to the fort, your were able to get back into the tunnels without being seen by the ogres on guard at the south gate.  You moved to the concealed entrance closest to the keep's main gate and readied a charge.....

Session 14 - How big could it really be?

A few seconds past as you assessed wounds and worked on deciding how to go after Mammy when you heard a scream of anger or anguish from somewhere in the house - probably from below.  You started to head to the stairs down when several vary large rats started crawling out of holes in the floorboards and walls. You also noticed another of the deformed half ogres in the dining room.  Malloric took a shot at him and he withdrew out of sight. The group made their way into the dining room, some ignoring the rats, others hacking at them along the way.  The half had withdrawn to the kitchen.  Wolfgar moved in first only to find himself flanked by rats when the half ogre stepped out from behind the door and landed a mighty blow with his great club. Golian, Bach and Herick were pushing to get through to help.  D'Argo and Pirozzi were bringing up the rear. Malloric suggested to Edwin that they run around and enter the kitchen from the other side.

About this time, Mammy reappeared and provided additional flanking opportunities for Hucker.  He laid waste to Wolfgar in short order.  Golian and D'Argo were able to enter. Golian's training prevented Hucker from landing continued vicious blows. D'Argo started casting and Pirozzi lobbed a few spells when site lines allowed.  Bach and Henrik pushed their way to Mammy. When they reached her, she cast a grease spell at their feet.  It took them the rest of the fight to extricate themselves.

With the front door open, Malloric headed to the kitchen door only to realize the porch was heavily trapped with springing spikes.  After making a bee-line off the porch he warned Edwin and continued. Edwin, with his heavy armor, was not bothered by the spikes.  They made it to the other door and after getting it opened started aiding those inside; Malloric by shooting arrows, Edwin by curing those he could see.  Mammy soon moved to the door and closed it.

Golian had to withdraw and hoped to draw Hucker into line of fire of more people, but he stayed and cornered D'Argo.  A few blows later, D'Argo crumpled hard to the floor.  He was dead before he hit the ground.  Bach was able to get up and helped drop Hucker to one knee, but he still didn't die.  Several blows later he finally gave it up.  The remaining rat or two fled when Hucker fell. Mammy had resorted to using only a wand (of vampiric touch) in combat.  With her displacement she was healing more as each round past.  Until her displacement ended.  After that she was hacked to pieces.

Some of the last heals were cast and you decided to finish exploring the house.  Most of the rest of the house was empty with two areas of note.  One was a room with a trapped chest and the other was a large basement room with molds and fungi on the floor and walls.  The quick consensus was "No way are we going in there!"  However, a detect magic revealed something beyond a door in the far wall.  You cautiously crept to the door when a gigantic pile of mold animated and swung a couple of tendrils toward those in the room.  They fairly easily grabbed Bach and Golian and then tried to swallow them whole.  It was hacked apart quickly and a few fire based spells just be sure as it appeared to regenerate its wounds at a remarkable pace.  You looted the closet and left the building.

Not sure if the house was really a safe place to hole up, you decided to check the barn.  You nearly surprised three younger half ogres who first debated whether they should let Mammy get you or leave you to 'Biggun.'  It didn't matter much as they were no match for you even in your tired state. The barn was split in two with a set of double doors on the floor and two single door on a suspended walkway.  Seeing that the double doors were spiked shut from 'your' side, the group split in two and approached the single doors.  All except Bach who was so exhausted he could barely move.

Golian and Pirozzi opened their door first and saw that the entire back half of the barn was filled with cobwebs. No sooner than they made a few steps the webs quivered and a gigantic spider came toward them, biting Golian on the shoulder.  He felt the weakening poison coursing through him.  The barn was filled with a panicked scream and Wolfgar started rushing to their aid.  Malloric, Henrick and Edwin moved through the other door and took what shots they could through the thick webs.  The spider quickly wrapped Pirozzi in webs and went after the three on the other side.  You were all laying down the hurt on the giant spider, but it was wrapping people up almost as quickly.  With only one or two people remaining mobile, it was killed.

In the back of the barn you found three individuals shackled in a make shift cage that kept the spider from getting at them.  Edwin went to administer to their wounds and notice on of them has a striking resemblance to Henrik.  He asked his name. He replied, "Vale, why?"  Your surname if you please.  "Wealwood, what's it matter?"  Edwin smiled and said "I think there is someone here you know."

After freeing them from their cell and extricating people from web-bonds, you recovered and tended to wounds.  You were spent.  From the three you learned that Fort Ranik has been completely overrun by ogres.  These three, Jakardros, Vale and Kaven, are the last of a scouting group that returned after the fort had nearly fallen.  They tried to lend aid but it was too late and they were run off.  Only these three survived. They had the misfortune of running across a couple of the half ogres and that's how they ended up here.

Shelelu and Jakardros converse and she informs you all that this is her biological father - her reason for coming to Fort Ranik.  You spent the night and distributed a good number of lesser restoration spells the next morning. After everyone felt 100 percent, you started to decide what to do next.


Session 13 - That's a Big Wolf

About half the group spent a few hours on the gambling barge trying to dig up any loose information. You weren't very successful because you weren't sure exactly 'what' you were looking for in the first place. Those without the sihedron mark (all but Malloric) were often approached and offered tattoo services. Bach almost took them up on it but after D'Argo was able to sneak away and cast detect magic which revealed a residual magic on all those with tattoos, he changed his mind. Something that was said a couple of times by those offering the services was that 'the mistress would be happy to tattoo you.' Feeling things getting a little (more) creepy you decide to leave and get ready for the hike to the fort in the morning.

Midway through the second and you figured last day on the road, Bach and Malloric heard a sound off in the woods. Malloric identified it as most likely a hurt animal. A big one. Shalelu concurred. The group decide to go check it out. You found a large black bear caught in a heavy and rusted bear trap. It was to strong for anyone to pull apart but Golian was able to disarm it. The bear was actually friendly and seemed to be trying to thank you for releasing it. Shalelu figured it must have been a local ranger's or druid's pet. About this time you heard the baying of dogs. You waited quietly and once you decided they were in fact coming your way you made a break for the horses - Shalelu lead the bear. Malloric and Golian stayed behind and hid to get a look at what was coming. Soon a large (but still medium-sized creature) humanoid came into view. He had one seriously deformed hand with which he held the leashes for half a dozen dogs and two very large worgs. He noticed the broken trap and yelled "Who took my bear!" He released the dogs and they began to sniff around. They eventually found your trail and headed off toward most of the group and the horses. He followed up with the worgs. Malloric and Golian moved stealthily behind him.

Back at the horses, you could hear the dogs coming so you prepared. About the same time the dogs broke the tree line, Golian stepped on a branch. That drew the attention of the handler and he sicced the worgs on Golian and headed off towards the dogs. D'Argo fireballed the dogs as they charged and the rest were mopped up in a few rounds. Just as about the last dog fell the handler emerged and seeing the bear charged Shalelu, skewering her with a long spear. The group converged and steel started flying. Malloric and Golian had their hands full with the worgs. Infact, it soon looked like that had more than they could handle as the worgs kept tripping them. Golian soon fell and Malloric yelled for assistance. Wolfgar responded to the call and started into the wood. Edwin had his hands full keeping Shalelu alive and the rest healed as the handler was dishing out some significant damage. Bach raged and soon struck him down with a severe falchon blow.

You regrouped, healed up and looted the (Half-ogre?) handler. He didn't have much but a blanket/loin cloth had some Black Arrow badges sewn on it. They all have relatively fresh bloodstains. You decided to track the handler and his animals to where they came from.

After a few hours of easy tracking, you came to a clearing in the wood with a house and barn and some tilled areas that barely qualified as gardens. Malloric and Golian scouted ahead and found another deformed half-ogre sitting on the porch of the house. You developed a strategy and most went around the wood and Malloric and Golian went back through hoping to be able to surround him. When he spotted the party, he yelled, "Mammy, Dinner's here!" and charged. Bach returned the favor but when they met, Bach got the short end of that stick. The half-ogre swung his halberd with such force that it almost knocked Bach over and opened a deep wound. The group converged on him and soon took him down, but not until after he sliced and diced nearly everyone at least once.

You healed a bit and headed into the side door of the house. It was the kitchen. The smell and sight of the prepared 'food' about made you retch. It looked as though they were serving human. You moved into the dinning room only to be waylaid by swinging scythe blade traps on each of the three doors into this room. Exploring the first floor, you discovered another room with two more, albeit slightly smaller half-ogres. A few spells and melee rounds later and they too were defeated. There were stairs down and up.

Entering what you figured was the last room on this floor you encountered two bugbear zombies. You moved in as quickly as you could and found 'Mammy' - a blurry (spell effect), grotesquely obese half-ogre with several images sitting on a bed in the far corner. As you closed on the zombies, she cast a spell and the party was overcome by waves of fatigue. Bach maneuvered around the zombies to retaliate and she cast two spells in quick succession. The last of which was a ray that unerringly stuck Bach in the chest. He recoiled from the draining attack but pressed on. The others were moving in and combating the zombies. Many of the group were still trying to get into the room and find positions with good sight lines when she summoned a dire bat. This allowed more people to fight but kept you away from her for the most part. Edwin was able to get in and destroyed the zombies. The bat fell quickly. You all started to converge on her and were 'winning' when she cast a spell and 'popped' out.

[we'll pick it up here when we next play - xp not yet awarded]


Session 12 - We're goin' home

Having dealt with buying, selling, re-provisioning and what not in High Mardreth, you started out for Turtleback Ferry. You decided to push your mounts a bit the first two days in order to make it to Brotton in that time. Early afternoon of the second day, your path was blocked by a now familiar halfling riding a worg. You all started to dismount figuring more were nearby. Bach went after the druid only to be cut off by a summoned hippogrif and then surrounded by a summoned hell hound. The ranger showed himself and started firing. Nearby him was an unfamiliar man in chainmail. Most of the group reoriented and headed to the ranger only to be blindsided by a lightning bolt that ripped trough three of you and killed two of your horses. Seeing that yrie was responsible for casting that, Malloric, Golian and D'Argo headed in her direction with Henrik, Edwin, Wolfgar and Pirozzi continuing to the ranger and Tsuto, who appeared from hiding nearby. She was accompanied by the fighter in chain, large shield and longsword that you previously met.

Bach quickly dispatched the summoned beasts and started after the druid and his mount, only to be delayed by a very spiky area of vegetation. While he worked his way around, the druid had time to continue casting. Lyrie hit Malloric with a ray that weakened him sufficiently that he was no longer able to use his bow. While not his preferred weapon, he unlimbered the bastard sword and kept at her. She was able to grease the area and her protector's advantage. While Golian was on the ground. the summoner soon appeared and held Malloric. The fighter took the opportunity to attempt a coup de gras. D'Argo was letting loose with spells, the fighter was not not an offensive powerhouse and Golian landed a few blows from the ground. Lyrie was soon dropped. D'Argo went after the summoner who again hid in a vision obscuring cloud. Malloric and Golian started after the fighter who was again backing his way from combat. Unlike the summoner, the fighter did not get away this time.

While Henrik and Tsuto were trading blows, the ranger threading painful shots. The cleric in chain mail mostly stood by but had to occasionally stop to heal himself. You realized he was protecting the monk. Having gained several leves since your last encounter, Tsuto was quickly overpowered. When the cleric was approached, he dropped his weapon and shield and surrendered to Wolfgar. The druid, still on his mount, was outdistancing Bach and rode by the ranger and shared a few murdered words. The druid rode off while the ranger withdrew toward his waiting mount. Between Pirozzi's magic missiles and Henrik's mace blows, he was slain as he attempted to climb onto his hippogrif.

You debated about what to do with the hippogriff and decided to let it be. It was not aggressive, but would take nips at those who approached too closely. After locating you attackers horses, you loaded up Lyrie and Tsuto's bodies, trussed up the cleric and headed to Brotton. There you turned over the corpses to the authorities with proof of warrant and let the cleric go with a few coin reminding him that the next time you meet might not go so well for him.

One more day to Heanor, another to New Dossleford and a third to reach Rothberry. Once there, many of you were surprised and a bit confused to learn that this is the home of Wolfgar's family and that the family is some sort of high standing family within the dwarven community in the County. A large party was held in his honor and much merriment was had. The party also reunited with Shalelu, the half-elf ranger your met in Ardrinn some months ago.

You had confirmed that no word from Fort Ranik had been received in several weeks, but that that was not entirely unheard of as the Fort is most directly controlled by the Lord of Eastmarch's High Warden out of Pikemaster. It was suggested that you may find out more once you get to Turtleback Ferry as that is the last outpost before the Aelinvudd. No directions to the Fort are needed as there is an old, and seldom used road that ends there. It is in disrepair, but clearly visible.

As the next day's ride was to be short, you stayed up and enjoyed the dwarven hospitality and slept in a little. Turtleback Ferry is a small outpost populated by lumbermen, traveling merchants, game hunters, mercenaries, and others who like to be on the fringe of civilization. It's most notable attraction surprisingly is not the two gigantic turtle shells used to ferry people across the river, but rather a large barge floating just offshore that is used as a gambling hall and den of ill repute. You spent the day learning about the area from the locals and finding out what you could about the fort. During the day, Edwin noticed a tattoo on the back of one man's neck. It was nearly identical in shape to the medallion now worn by Malloric.

You all were able to then to notice a few others with similar tattoos. None were very obvious, but neither completely hidden. You were able to determine that a lot of these folks spent some time on the barge. Sending the lightly armored aboard to explore with the heavier armored waiting nearby on shore to come if aid was needed, you were met by a bouncer at the door. He looked at Malloric and said "Welcome brother! This lot with you?"


Session 11 - That's a Long Way Up

You used magic to search the town for the leather mask worn by the priest to no avail. Henrik and Malloric went to the Temple of St Cuthbert (with the dwarves for added numbers) as it was a high holy day for the church. You decided to let the ravens go one at a time and hoped they were 'homing' ravens.

You followed the first one as far as you could before you lost it. It flew down into 'The Shadow' and you couldn't follow it fast enough. The next day you let another raven loose, but this time you were in the district before doing so. While not taking a direct route, it did lead you to a very tall, decrepit, nonfunctional clock tower with a nasty lean. The raven flew up to the top. You invited yourselves in.

Once inside you realized this was a little used building. What footprints in the dust Malloric could find were humanoid and led mostly to a stair that wound up and up along the inside of the walls. The building was at least 150' tall. The group headed to the stair with Bach in the lead when Malloric yelled for everyone to stop. He saw a flash of light or glint of steel from a rubble pile. You went to investigate and a large, fleshy construct rose from the pile and started swinging a very sharp scythe. When it connected, which it did often, it sliced deep cuts into your flesh requiring Edwin to come to heal. Golian moved around to provide assistance and D'Argo tried to slow it with a grease spell. It was a matter of teaming up and beating it down faster than it beat you. A quick detect magic revealed the scythe and short cloak it wore to be magic. You then headed up the stair.

Edwin asked for people to stop and asked if anyone else heard anything. No one had. As you continued, the stairs became herder to climb. They were dry-rotted and poorly attached to the walls at points and sometimes were way out of level. It was slow going - more so for some. Now others heard the noise. It was a female voice from far above asking if anyone was there. You gave no reply. Soon a creature similar to a doppelganger approached from above you and started firing arrows. You quickly realized the tactical advantage the creature had. You were spending all your attention on climbing the stairs and were not able to adequately defend yourselves (making balance and climb checks to proceed left you flat-footed). Return fire from Malloric and attacks by Golian, who could manage the stairs quite well, forced the creature to flee - only to come back and start firing again. You heard the woman cry for help and the creature yelled up for her to shut up. A well placed arrow from Malloric sent the beast falling to the floor below.

Soon a clanging of the bells began. You realized that one had been cut loose. It fell and mostly destroyed a section of the stairs in the corner opposite where you were. Passing this section was very difficult. Especially when another creature came down to harry you. You eventually passed and fought two more of these before that last of them fled up the stairs. You climbed to the roof of the tower and found the creature dead and charred at the top of the stairs. Heading out to search the roof, you encountered two areas of silence. An flying woman came into view and started firing fiery rays at the party. When pressed, she flew off the roof and cast from the new vantage. She transformed into a serpent woman (see image) and periodically came into melee range to land quick, solid blows with her long spear. She was magically protected and buffed. D'Argo went down hard and Bach fell as well. Pirozzi tried a dispel from a wand but luck was not on your side. Edwin spent all his time keeping people from dying. At one point, the eyes of her mask glowed and a green ray struck Golian, paralyzing him. She seemed to have an endless number of the fiery rays until that is - she ran out. She entered melee and was eventually forced to flee.

You didn't find much except for a long list of names. You recognized some from Ardrinn as well as the Lord Mayor of High Mardreth. You hurried as best you could back to the inn. Alive but having had another bad guy get away.


Session 10 - You're under arrest! Ok, maybe not.

Frustrated with your scouting efforts of the sawmill, you decided to do things the old fashioned way. On your way to the front door, you discussed some tactics for the immediate and farther future. Pirozzi stopped short and cast knock. One door swung open surprising three workers inside. Some of the group moved in with Henrik shouting "You all all under arrest, lay down your arms." The workers reoriented to the intrusion and replied "You've come to the wrong place." as one fled up the stairs while the other two committed to battle. Bach chased after the runner followed shortly after by Pirozzi and the rest moved in.

Bach and Pirozzi stopped at the next floor when they could not tell if their quarry had stayed on the second floor or continued. They debated strategy on the landing. The rest were cleaning up on the ground floor. Their discussion was stopped short when the door opened and a mill worker fired a crossbow bolt deep into Pirozzi's shoulder. Bach filled the gap and Pirozzi descended for heals.

The group made their way slowly up the mill floors, each time encountering another group of workers. There were several holes in the first floor ceiling that were used to haul lumber between floors that the workers used as murder holes to great effect. That caused the party to move cautiously through the mill. The last stair had a large opening next to it that created a gauntlet of sorts. The mill workers had loaded heavy crossbows scattered throughout the mill, allowing them many opportunities for shots.

Henrik and Malloric were the first ones up the last stair, followed by Bach and Golian. Henrik again informed the workers that they were under arrest. Malloric fired a arrow through a workers leg and said, "I suggest you lay down your weapons and leave." That was followed immediately by sounds of spellcasting and a figure wearing a helm, full-face, leather mask and a light mailed shirt appeared and said, "No! I suggest you leave." Malloric didn't even consider it as it seemed such a reasonable request. As the fighting continued, Malloric started to make his way back down to the entry only to be met by Edwin, who had an area protection spell in effect, bringing Malloric back to his senses (although only momentarily). All were crowded into the room with steel flashing. Henrik engaged the priest of Nerull and traded blows. Henrik smited and the priest returned heavy blows himself. Edwin healed and others were pounding down the nearly half dozen workers still in the building. Edwin, not knowing Malloric had been ensorceled, moved to get a better view. Malloric headed back down the stairs. Pirozzi followed with a plan.

Edwin cast silence in the room which forced the priest back to where he could spell cast. He did and caught Bach in a confusion spell. He was too far from Edwin and fled down the stairs. Pirozzi, at the bottom of the stairs used a wand of dispel magic on each as they tried to leave the building.

Back up stairs, the priest moved into a room and closed the door behind him while the rest of the party finished "arresting" the workers. All gathered in the large room to go after the priest. Upon entering the office, you found a rope ladder had been lowered from a window and the priest was no where to be found. You discovered a trap door in the ceiling and checked it for the priest. He had apparently fled the building. Inside the room was a rookery with three silent ravens sitting on a perch.

You looted the place and left. Amongst the typical loot was a large ledger written in a foreign language. Edwin and D'Argo were able to make out parts of it. There may be as many as four different languages. You finished looting and left Kyver's Islet for the main city.


Session 9: I told you so.

While spending a few days in High Madreth selling some items, purchasing others, and identifying still others, several of the group learned some information about the Brothers of the Seven. All of it bad. Malloric learned that this group was likely based on Ordellia, the semi-autonomous area of High Mardreth south of the river. Pirozzi learned that this is a group known (or at least that's what they want people to know) to be cut-throats and murderers. He was advised to let go of whatever concern he and his companions had with the Brothers. Ishan found that no one wanted to talk about the Brothers, save one individual - a Robert Stront. Robert was unwilling to discuss anything in the gambling hall where Ishan met him and agreed to meet later that evening at a warehouse where he worked.

Thr group headed out to meet Robert, short a couple of low level spells. Cautiously entering the warehouse, they found Robert sitting in the back with a few candles near him shedding more shadows than light. "Come on back." he called. As the party got closer someone commented on Robert's posture - more slumped than normal. Ishan noticed a wide, bloody 'smile' under Robert's chin. Robert, or more likely a voice from darkness behind him, but sounding like him said, "You should not have come. No one seeks to know about the Brothers!" 'Robert' stepped out from the shadows and moved to attack. (Dead) Robert also got clumsily to his feet and shuffled forward as well. Sound of spell casting from the darkness ahead filled the room and several other office doors were opened by roguish fellows with short swords. Battle ensued.

The group took a defensive stance and cast a few more protection-type spells. 'Robert' was quick on his feet and closed with Ishan. The sounds of casting stopped only to result in a large dire bat which further split the group. Party members spread out to deal with the rogues and were able to create enough space between them that the lightning bolt from a previously hidden wizard only hit a few people.

Ishan was struggling against the "Roberts" and cleric. Bach and Henrick heaved into the bat, Golian and Malloric went after the wizard, Pirozzi took spell shots as he could to assist, and Edwin was kept busy tending to wounds. Ishan's solution to his troubles was a bead of force. However, due to a miscalculation, Ishan was a bit too close. He fell against the Roberts, but the battle seemed to be going the party's way. The cleric of Nerull was hurt but challenged Henrik nonetheless. The wizard had lost his roguish guards and had some spell casting attempts interrupted. That changed when he was able to cast a powerful sleep spell, dropping Malloric and Golian. That was followed by a magical darkness.

Some of the party managed to get to Ishan but it was too late. As Henrik charged the cleric, she dropped her guard and allowed him to land a solid blow. At the edge of the darkness, one of the rogues was able to locate Golian and carefully slide his blade deep into his chest. Taking advantage of the party's concern for their downed comrades, the wizard worked his way to the exit and fled. He was followed and eventually dropped in the streets.

The next couple of days were spent selling more items to secure funding for raise dead spells. Henrik and Malloric called in some favors and the party was able to gain access to two raise dead spells. Golian willingly came back, but Ishan apparently had other plans. Only one spell was needed.

This time was also spent digging up more information on the Brothers from more reputable sources. Malloric was able to learn that the Severin Sawmill on Kyver's Islt was thought to be a base of operation. He was further told (or warned) that if they decided to do something that the group should expect that there would be no help or even acknowledgment. Malloric also learned that Lyrie, the wizardess captured at Thistletop, had been released by Justice Ironbriar. There is an unproved connection between the Justice and the Brothers.

At some evening meals, some of the group noticed a dwarf that had been paying particularly close attention. The group approached him to find that his name was D'Agro Duerthen, a lone traveling dwarf from the Copperwood of Eastmarch. Turns out he was in High Mardreth as a result of following some leads about some unresolved crimes in which he was implicated but innocent of. One piece of evidence, some black flower petals, had led him to the city. He heard some rumors of a group active in town and that some of them might be from the east of the County. He was looking for companions. The group invited him in.

Based on some bits of information, some more cryptic than others, the group went to check out the saw mill. Some exploring under water yielded nothing except drawing a little attention. The group decided to head in to find out what was going on.
