0.5 Politics and Organizations
Below you will find a short synopsis the of the major Family Houses in the County, a few other notable lesser Houses and several of the more well known organizations throughout the County. There is of course much more to be known and character backgrounds will be considered.
County of Urnst
Ruler: Contessa Elone Hofre Gellor
Government: Feudal Hereditary Monarchy
Capitol: Radigast City (pop. 54,000)
Major Towns: Brotton (34,000), Didielin (6,000), Heanor (6,000), Hogh Mardreth (13,000), Jedbridge (8,000), Muddich (12,000), Stone Battle (4,000), Trigol (14,000)
Provinces: Six archbaronies, nine lord baronies, and eleven field baronies
Resources: Foodstuff, gold, warhaorses and war dogs, fine wines and liquors, and cloth
Population: Human 67%, Halfling 11%, Elf 11%, Dwarf 5%, Gnome 4%, Half-elf 3%, half-orc 3%
Religion: Primarily Oerid and Flan; Other popular deities include: Boccob, Lydia, Norebo, Phyton, Ralishaz, St. Cuthbert, Trithereon, and Xerbo
Allies: Duchy of Urnst, City of Greyhawk, Flinty Hills, Furyondy, Tenh
Enemies: Iuz, Bandit Kingdoms, Bone March, Theocracy of the Pale
Major Family Houses
House Dane (Seat:Brotton; other locations: Radigast City)
The predominantly Suloise house was a pioneer to the Urnstlands. It held the region that comprises Urnst prior to the Oeridian incursions and was heavily supported when the Duchy was forced to sell the County to the Great Kingdom. House Dane is considered by other Suel Houses of the County to be submissive, having surrendered before the overwhelming number of migrating Oeridians. Since that time, the Danes have maintained a strong if not decisive role within Urnst. The House is without a doubt the most powerful of the Suel houses in the County of Urnst.
In recent years, they have been forced to dilute their strong Suloise bloodlines in order to keep their holdings, and this is a source of contention among many of the older family members. The Danes are the most independent house in the County, and are known for ignoring Royal directives when it suits them. Unlike most rulers of free cities, the Lord Mayor of Brotton is a hereditary one, and not appointed by the Count - thus they retain "Baron" as part of their title. Before the Civil War, Lord Mayor Baron Artin Delar Dane refused to pay taxes to the Countess and spoke openly of revolt. The administrators on his staff largely ignore him, knowing him mad, and have sent their taxes along without his knowledge. His madness is one of the reasons that the family has been broadening the bloodlines of late.
In 588CY, he granted to the Lord Ranger Omin Far-Raven sovereignty over the Dreerwode (the woods surrounding Brotton), a move that enraged most the rest of his house. Omin Far-Raven is a hero of the war, and personally saved Brotton from a horde of Iuz's minions that gated into the Dreerwode. House Dane also controls much of the trade of the famous Urnstian horses; creatures rumored to have been brought here from the Imperium of a millennia ago.
House Duncombe (Seat: Eastmarch; other locations: Radigast City)
The House of Duncombe is also one of the oldest houses in Urnst. Since before the days of Iuz's imprisonment, the House of Duncombe has stood guard on the Artonsamay River and kept watch over the evil that lurks beyond. The racial origins of the House are lost to history, and the source of their flashing green eyes is a mystery. They are a predominantly of Oeridian heritage, but have been wise in marrying their blood into more Suloise and Flannish holdings. Who can really say what the founding fathers of the House considered themselves to be.
One of the two most powerful Houses in all of the County (second only to House Gellor), they have received the brunt of the burden imposed by the recent wars, and the loss of the allied Gellor Duchy of the Artonsamay, north of the River has many in this house afraid of Iuz's demonic power. Most of the mercenaries are marshaled on Duncombe land and most border raids ravage Duncombe land as well. This has lead to a strong disdain for those of other houses (particularly House Whittenbock) whom the Duncombe's view to be "soft" and not holding their end of the feudal obligation. Like those of House Torquann, the Duncombes are extremely insular, and many family members spend years planning marriages to keep their bloodlines strong.
Archbaron Terard Duncombe II, Lord of the East is second only to the Count in overall power. As Lord General during the Greyhawk Wars, he gained massive popularity, and his fief covers the entire eastern half of the County.
During the Civil War of 593-594CY, forces loyal to Lord Duncombe led the fight against the weak regent Nimar Chrysale Gellor. Only Radigast, High Mardreth and Brotton didn't fall to his armies.
House Gellor (Seat: Dyvarna; other locations: Fennelmore, Trigol, Jedbridge)
The Royal House of the County of Urnst, the House of Gellor was headed by the Countess Belissica. During her tenure, the House of Gellor has survived continuing attempts to unseat it and many attempts to take advantage of the young lady on the throne. The House itself is predominantly Oeridian heritage from Aerdi and Nyrondal occupations and is now dwindling in number, and is currently largely comprised of distant cousins. The House is somewhat cursed by its lack of children and the Countess' reluctance to marry has contributed to this problem.
The Duke of Urnst has long tried to make a match between his sons and the Countess to solidify the bonds of blood, thus eventually reuniting the two kingdoms. Most who hold blood of this House hold it in dilution and no incontestable lineage is known to exist. Without a change of some kind, it is likely there will be a dynastic change in the County upon the Countesses' passing. Though some hold that the Duke will press his suit for the throne, few believe his claim to be strong enough to hold sway.
Following the death of Countess Belissica, Contessa Elone took command of the family.
This house lost ground after Iuz decimated the Gellor-controlled Duchy of the Artonsamay, in the Bandit Kingdoms, just north of the Charn castles.
House Torquam (Seat: Vinewind; other locations: Radigast City, Jedbridge)
This mixed house has settled deep into the north central provinces, and has largely seperated its ties with House Torquann in the Aerdi lands to the distant Great Kingdom(s).
Traditionally aloof in national politics, this house has a long, long history of dour, hard, repressive rulers whose lands suffer heavy taxation and relatively repressive laws. Many of their blood spend their lives in the pursuit of the perfection of agriculture and Urnstian Brandy. Secrets are held tightly by this insular house, and they are loathe to share information with anyone. They tend to be controlling, stingy, and very wise with their assets and income. They control the port of Bampton, from which they export their products.
The Torquann are the controlling interest in the Urnstian Wine Cartel and are rumored to carefully hoard tremendous amounts of gold. As a tradition to reflect their devotion to vintenry, the head of the house is known as the Lord Vintner (an Archbaron title). The current head of the House is Lord Vintner Deremett Torquann. Lord Torquann is a very close ally and friend to Lord Duncombe.
House Underley (Seat: High Madreth; other locations: Radigast City)
The eccentric House of Underley holds little land though its influence is great. However, this House has always held significant influence with the ruler of Urnst through it's dealings with delvings in odd and sometimes dangerous brands of magic.
Currently, the Lord Mage of Urnst is the head of this household. Lord Mage Jacobis Underley (predominantly Oeridian) was adopted by Derrik Underley, the prior head of House. This adoption short-shifted Lord Anasil Underley, Derrik's nephew. Jacobis spends most of his time in Radigast City. The House is currently administered from the Underley Estate north of the Copperwood.
Other Houses of Note
House Wittenbock (Seat: Hardyn; other locations: Radigast City)
This family ruled the land before the Gellors took over. It is a very old family and is well established. To smooth many relations and land ties over this family has married into or had married into it many people. Nearly forty years ago Baron Harth Torquann in an effort to smooth relations within the Vinewind area married his sister off to Lord Felard Whittenbock. They had a peaceful marriage until Lady Whittenbock was killed during the Battle of Radigast City.
Their lands are expansive being the third largest land owner in the region and edge into the forests just south of Hardwyn, along the river Artonsamay. They are best known for their white wines that are crisp and fruity but do not have the aging abilities of the other growers who almost exclusively grown red wines. It is well known that Lord Felard Whittenbock has many dealings with the Renee bargemen sending wines both Northeast and Southwest. He has two sons, one that stays in Radigast as their lead merchant and another that spends his time managing the shipments that leave the County to the East.
House Doublehammer (Seat: Grey Hills; other locations: Rothberry)
This minor dwarven house is based in Rothberry. The house includes a number of minor families. The Hillguard family, led by Baron Drurik Hillguard of the GreyHills belongs to this family. The family's main source of income comes from its smiths who produce some of the best weapons and armor in the County.
House Yarne (Seat: North Charn; other locations: Didielin, Hardwyn)
House Yarne is a powerful merchant house of Flannish origin. The House is based around Caporna. Its main sources of income include its famous vineyards and foodstuffs.
Brotton Banshees
The Banshees are the elite house guard of House Dane. The Banshees are composed exclusively of female soldiers.
Clan Blacknose
The Blacknose clan is one of many tribe of humanoid that roam the eastern county, in particular the baronies of Dosselford, Dryburgh, Jedbridge, Pikemaster and Rothberry. Not particularly powerful, the tribe nevertheless has been a thorn in the side of many smaller communities of Eastmarch for years.
Clan Mithraldeath
The Duergar of Clan Mithraldeath are a rather recent arrival on the scene of County politics. They're first major action was against a garrison in the Grey Hills.
College of the Divine
Located on the central plaza of Trigol, the College of the Divine is one of its most important structures. The College was created to allow all acceptable faiths in the County to have a place where philosophies and holy dictates may be discussed.
Dreerwode Druids
As the breadbasket of the Flanaess, the County has many druids. With primarilty animal and plant foci, the Druids of Urnst do what they can to protect both the wilds from civilization and civilization from the wilds. They are found in several of the County's forests, especially the Dreerwode Forest. The Lord Ranger Omin Far-Raven, archdruid of the Dreerwode leads them.
The Eagle Guard
The Eagle guard is a Military Unit that serves as the House Guard for House Veltuer. They are based in Bampton. Most of the soldier are equipped with breastplates.
Emerald Guard
The Count herself has direct command over the Emerald Guard, a brigade size Strike Force of Medium Cavalry.The Emerald Guards are initially trained at The Citadel outside of Jedbridge, and then go into elite cavalry training at the Gellor Estates just north of High Mardreth. Skilled in any form of combat, the Emerald Guards specialize in mounted warfare, with a minor emphasis in peacekeeping.
Known largely throughout the County of Urnst as the legal authority representing the Count, they gain respect and cooperation with all but the corrupt.The Emerald Guard is headquartered in High Mardreth, with garrisons in: Radigast, Brotton, Jedbridge, Trigol, and each of the Charn castles.
Knights of the Swan
Headed by Sir Karl Whittenbock, Knight Exemplar of the Knights of the Swan, they may be found at many levels of the military of the County of Urnst, the halls of some of the finest families in the County and even an occasional adventuring group. Their desire is to promote the security of the county, both the land and the individuals that live here. It should be noted that regardless of the position they hold, each Knight has personally sworn fealty to the Count.
Knights of the Pale
Though not a County-based order of knights, the Knights of the Pale maintain a small garrison of Knight at the Temple of Pholtus in Radigast. Like most Pholtans, they have a near-blind obedience towards law and good.
The Lord's Fists
The Lord's Fists is the name of the Lord of the East's house guard. The Lord's Fist is an elite product of The Citadel. Lord Terard Duncombe himself, an alumni from the Citadel, chose to utilize its talent in creating a house guard for himself and his lands during the Greyhawk Wars.
The Obsidian Conclave
With the establishment of the Cygnet University of Arcane Arts in Radigast City, Dennen Astralstaff—Head of the Radigast City Wizard’s Guild, presiding Dean Magus of the Cygnet University, and Dean of the former College of Wizardry—gathered a group of well-known mages from throughout the County into an unprecedented coalition committed to advancing the pursuit of knowledge, especially knowledge arcane, within the County’s borders.
The Obsidian Conclave has been established as the County of Urnst’s first widespread society of wizards that pools together resources from all the major cities across the County. Each Chapter House is headed by a Master Magus and focuses on a specific school of magic, though all schools are served in a general way at each Chapter House. The major goal of the Obsidian Conclave is to identify the best and brightest students and to assist and guide them in focusing their talents. The Chapter Houses themselves are committed to improving the lives of the hosting town’s citizens and providing a breeding ground for some of Oerth’s most powerful teachings.
Upon joining, members are presented with a masterwork Obsidian Dagger adorned with the appropriate hilt gem signifying the chosen school of study. This dagger bear’s the appropriate school’s First (Second and Third, as appropriate) Tier Arcane mark as well as the member’s. Because it is a sign of membership in the Conclave, it may not be sold or traded.
The Screaming Manticores
The most famous mercenary group, this unit operates mostly in and around Dominion, protecting the County's Northern Border from Iuzian raids. This unit was raised by Ros Earlis. The Manticores identify themselves with a sewn-on patch.
The Shadow Network
Every society has a dark side. Some say the brighter the flame of civilization the dark the shadows are cast. The County of Urnst, a beacon of civilization in the Flanaess, casts very dark shadows. The shadow network is a collective of thieves' guilds from the various cities and areas of the County. The vendettas and blood feuds of the past have been laid to rest as the guilds realized they only weakened themselves and cut the profit margins, the latter being most important.
The Silver Swans
The goals of the organization are to identify and cultivate the best performing artists in the County, develop and promote performance art forms that are distinct to the County, and to promote the County as the cultural center of the Flanaess. Performance arts refers to stage arts such as musical performance and composition, acting, play writing, direction, set design, etc. The long term goal is to create one blanket organization for all the arts serving and influencing the culture of the entire Flanaess.
On a more subtle note, it is recognized that performing artist can and do give insight into the pulse of the people of the County. Time and money spent represent periods of advanced teaching, study and creativity. Scholarships are available for the deserving and talented. Members are identified by a metallic pin: the masks of tragedy and comedy on an open-mouthed swan's breast. The Silver Swan "leadership" operates out of the Opera House in Radigast.
Warders of the Wilds
The Warders of the Wild is an organization that sees itself as the guardian of the Flanaess. The protection the natural world against unnatural forces (primarily undead and evil outsiders) is their primary focus. Through the power of nature, they are the eyes, ears and arms of the natural world. Usually a warder will "guard" a specific location watching, listening and reacting to unnatural forces. Most Warder of the Wild are rangers, but many Druids, Barbarians and anyone else who knows their way around the natural world are welcomed.
The Warders is a new organization, formed after the Civil War regrouping members of the Feathers of the Swan, the Wild Lords and the Warders.
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