Session 53 - Rings? We Don't Need no Stinkin' Rings.

Rested and ready, you all debated about heading up to the spire without a full compliment of sihedron rings.  Pragmatism, caution, or paranoia got the better of you and you decided to stay at the lower level(s) and fully explore and maybe even run into some lamia.  You battled to more giant stone golems and decided to set a trap/ambush near the top of the climb from the city below.  The first day was a bust.  Early in the second you spotted a rune and cloud giant on their way toward the road down.  You quickly cast a few preparatory spells and started to move out to meet them.  The cloud giant cast a fog cloud in the doorway which obscured your vision and slowed your advance, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing.  The invisible Pirozzi had already moved out and saw the rune giant seemingly run past the group and cloud of fog when it stopped suddenly and turned.  You continued maneuvering inside the cloud when the rune giant caught most of the group in a cone of fire and electricity. The cloud giant closed.  You continued to maneuver to get the right people up to the front while Pirozzi and D'Argo blasted at the cloud giant. It fell quickly.  With only one enemy standing it was a quick but brutal fight as they all have been when rune giants are involved.  You looted a few coins, but no rings.

You decided to return to the lower city to continue your hunt for lamia and their rings.  After a couple days of wandering and trying to be seen, you encountered a group of stone giants.  Not sure if Gyukyak was among them Wolfgar yelled out "There's no need to die today!"  The giants responded by pulling rocks from their bags.  You readied for a giant slaughter when only one of the giants stepped forward to throw.  It's throw was long, but you could not tell if it was intentionally long or not.  The other five giants then stepped up and pummeled the first with rocks.  It was barely able to scream in surprised pain before it was dead.

One of the giants stepped forward and motioned for you to follow him/them into a side building just off the road. You followed as you now recognized Gyukyak.  You mentioned you were hunting lamia.  He informed you that he had not seen any in nearly a week and that even the rune giants were coming down from the spire less frequently.  He did not think you would have much luck on your hunt in the city.  The decline in rune giant visits has allowed more of the 'normal' giants a change to throw off the unnatural control the rune giants have over them.  A full revolt may not be long off if numbers of the 'free' keep growing.  D'Argo returned to the group after relieving himself in another room and whispered something to Henrik who responded by grabbing his shield and drawing his mace.  You were all, save D'Argo, caught unaware as Henrik loudly proclaimed "You giants are being led and fooled by an Ogre Mage! Flee or die where you stand!"  He charged Gyukyak who could do nothing but put up his hands in defense.  With a few spells, arrows and weapon blows, he was dead in seconds.

The other giants stood in shock and stared blankly at the group.  "We have freed you from his deception." Henrik proclaimed.  The other giants looked quizzically at each other before one spoke.  Wolfgar translated, "We knew that. What were you thinking?"  You all now took turns looking at each other while scratching your heads.  The group's response was something like, "Uh, we thought that, uh, since he was an evil ogre mage that, uh, you, uh....."  You were cut off as the one giants spoke again.  "You are on your own now," he looked at his remaining companions, "Let's go." And they did.

You spent the next few minutes reviewing recent events while you justified and rationalized your actions.  "Who needs 'em." Someone stated.  You decided to rest the night and head back up in the morning.

With a combination of air / wind walks, flys and whatnot, the trip back up to the lower levels of the spire took little time.  You decided to push on to the spire.  Only one wave hit you as you made the climb.  Edwin fared the worst. A quick heal and you continued.  The spire itself was over 2000' tall and had no obvious entrance.  Golian concentrated for almost a half a minute and then head off to the far side of the spire with everyone else trailing behind.  He led you right to a very well constructed secret door. The only thing inside was a gargantuan corksrew ramp that wound up into the darkness. You started climbing with an invisible Golian in the lead.

After somewhere around a 1000' vertical climb,  Golian returned to the group and whispered, "We have giants."  You prepared for the five giants he saw by casting spells out of sight and hearing before you moved up.  D'Argo and Malloric opened the skirmish with arrowns and acid spells.  The giants in turn cast a few more fog clouds which effectively narrowed the hallway which forced you to group a little closer than might have otherwise.  Again not necessarily a bad thing as you were all withing reach of Edwin and Pirozzi's 'hand.'  The reason for the clouds became clear as the storm giant moved up and cast chain lightning catching at least half the group. That turned out to be the storm giants only spell and you closed to turn the fight into a mostly melee.  Balros forced a number of attacks of opportunity, or which many missed, which allowed others to move more easily (or perhaps safely).  A lot of damage wash dished by both sides, but you soon came out victorious.  You looted a few coins and five, count 'em, five sihedron rings.
